What is the 6 6 6 method workout?

What is the 6 6 6 method workout?

This Full-Body Workout Will Set Your Metabolism on Fire

You're about to commence on a devilishly challenging full-body workout known as the '666' circuit. Comprised of six moves, each for six sets and six reps, this workout is designed to push your limits and ignite your metabolism, ensuring you continue to burn fat long after you've finished. Expertly crafted by Crane to build Herculean strength, this circuit combines compound moves that engage multiple muscle groups, making it a potent fat-burning session. By challenging yourself with heavier weights, you'll boost strength and trigger EPOC, where your body keeps burning calories post-workout. Get ready to fight off the fatigue and emerge stronger from all angles with this intense workout.

    The Exercises of '666' Full-Body Circuit

    Barbell Deadlift

    FullBody The Barbell Deadlift is a foundational movement that targets multiple muscle groups simultaneously, making it a key exercise in the '666' circuit. This compound movement not only strengthens your lower back, hamstrings, and glutes but also engages your core for stability. By following proper form and lifting heavy, you can maximize muscle activation and trigger a metabolic boost that continues even after you finish the circuit.


    Form Chin-Up exercises are vital for building upper body strength and targeting the back and biceps. In the '666' circuit, Chin-Ups provide a challenging bodyweight movement that helps improve grip strength and overall pulling power. By executing each rep with control and full range of motion, you can effectively stimulate muscle growth and enhance functional fitness.

    Barbell Bulgarian Split Squat

    With The Barbell Bulgarian Split Squat is a unilateral exercise that works one leg at a time, promoting balance and stability while targeting the quads, hamstrings, and glutes. Adding a barbell to this exercise increases the resistance, challenging your lower body strength and coordination. By performing the Barbell Bulgarian Split Squat with proper form and control, you can develop muscle symmetry and improve overall lower body strength.

    Continuation of the Circuit

    Once again, you will be put to the test with the devilishly challenging circuit designed to push your limits and maximize strength gains. Brace yourself for the intense workout ahead as you continue through the six moves for six sets and six reps.

    Barbell Bent Over Row

    An crucial exercise in the circuit, the Barbell Bent Over Row targets your back muscles, including the lats and rhomboids, as well as the biceps. Ensure proper form by keeping your back straight, core engaged, and pulling the barbell towards your lower chest to maximize muscle activation. This move will not only help strengthen your back but also improve posture and enhance overall upper body muscle development.

    Power Thruster

    For an explosive full-body movement that engages multiple muscle groups simultaneously, the Power Thruster is a must-do in the circuit. Combining elements of a squat and overhead press, this exercise not only builds strength but also improves coordination and power. Proper execution of the Power Thruster requires a controlled descent into the squat position and a powerful drive upwards to press the barbell overhead, activating the legs, core, and shoulders.

    Proper breathing technique is crucial during the Power Thruster to support the exertion of force and stabilize the core. Remember to exhale as you push the barbell overhead and inhale during the descent into the squat position to maintain control and maximize performance.



    With a focus on triceps, chest, and shoulder strength, Dips are a challenging bodyweight exercise that can be tailored to different fitness levels by adjusting the body position and depth of the dip. Engage your core throughout the movement and focus on keeping your elbows close to your body to target the triceps effectively. The Dips exercise not only builds upper body strength but also enhances muscular endurance and stability in the shoulders and chest.

    Key Takeaways:

    • Metabolism Boost: The 666 full-body workout, consisting of six moves for six sets and six reps each, revs up your metabolism and helps burn fat even after the workout is over.
    • Strength Building: This circuit is designed to challenge you with heavy weights, promoting strength gains and EPOC (excessive post-exercise oxygen consumption), leading to increased calorie burn post-workout.
    • Compound Movements: Incorporating compound exercises in the circuit engages multiple muscle groups simultaneously, making it an effective fat-burning workout that enhances cardiovascular endurance and calorie expenditure.

    Workout Structure and Progress

    Arrangement of Sets and Reps

    On this devilishly testing circuit, the structure follows a challenging pattern of six moves for six sets and six reps each. This arrangement aims to push your limits and boost your strength by working multiple muscle groups simultaneously. As the sets and reps increase, you'll feel the burn and see progress in your overall strength and endurance.

    Rest Periods and Recovery Time

    Rest periods play a crucial role in this intense workout routine. With only 10 seconds of rest between each set, your cardiovascular system will be challenged to keep up with the demand for oxygen and blood flow to your muscles. Additionally, a longer rest of 90 seconds between the final exercise allows for adequate recovery before tackling the next circuit. This strategic balance of short and longer rest periods is designed to optimize performance and ensure you can give your all in each set.

    Supporting Strategies

    Nutritional Guidelines for Fat Loss and Strength Gain

    Strength: To support fat loss and strength gain, it is important to focus on a balanced diet that includes lean proteins, complex carbohydrates, and healthy fats. Prioritize whole foods such as lean meats, fish, nuts, seeds, fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Stay hydrated and consider incorporating pre- and post-workout nutrition to fuel your workouts and aid in recovery.

    Supplemental Cardio for Enhanced Results

    Nutritional: Understanding the importance of supplemental cardio can take your results to the next level. Incorporating high-intensity interval training (HIIT) or steady-state cardio sessions into your routine can boost calorie burn, improve cardiovascular health, and enhance overall fat loss. Whether it's a quick HIIT session post-workout or a longer cardio session on your off days, finding the right balance for your body and goals is key to maximizing results.


    Final Words

    With this in mind, Crane's devilishly testing circuit is designed to build Herculean strength and set your metabolism on fire, ensuring fat burns long after the workout ends. By challenging yourself with compound moves that work multiple muscle groups simultaneously, you'll boost strength, trigger EPOC, and burn calories efficiently. Push through the pain and you'll boast muscle from all angles, ready to fight off the Devil himself. This intense full-body workout, known as the '666' circuit, promises results for those who dare to take on the challenge.


    Q: What is the structure of the full-body workout given its name because of the '666' format?

    A: The workout consists of six moves for six sets and six reps each. As you progress through the sets and reps, you'll set your metabolism on fire, burning fat even after the workout. This devilishly testing circuit is designed to build Herculean strength and trigger EPOC for calorie burn post-exercise.

    Q: How does the compound moves in this workout help in burning fat?

    A: The combination of compound moves, where you engage multiple muscle groups simultaneously, makes this circuit highly effective for fat burning. The seamless transition from upper-body to lower-body exercises increases the cardiovascular demand, leading to more calorie burn compared to isolating individual muscles.

    Q: What are some key exercises included in this circuit for muscle development and fat loss?

    A: 1. Barbell Deadlift: Sets - 6, Reps - 6, Rest - 10 seconds 2. Chin-Up: Sets - 6, Reps - 6, Rest - 10 seconds 3. Barbell Bulgarian Split Squat: Sets - 6, Reps - 6, Rest - 10 seconds 4. Barbell Bent Over Row: Sets - 6, Reps - 6, Rest - 10 seconds 5. Power Thruster: Sets - 6, Reps - 6, Rest - 10 seconds 6. Dips: Sets - 6, Reps - 6, Rest - 90 seconds These exercises target various muscle groups and incorporate a mix of strength and cardio elements to maximize fat burning and muscle growth.

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